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The Zaitech Fund/s investors - shareholders are Attica Bank and the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO).

Attica Bank

Attica Bank has been a successful player in the Greek banking sector for 80 years, with a strong capital structure, constantly growing financials and a wide network of branches covering almost the entire country. It offers a wide range of financial products (loans, deposits, private banking, mutual funds, leasing and factoring).

The Bank/s affiliation with Attica Ventures is not simply a seal of approval and prestige, but also offers significant support and synergies through the potential to develop integrated financial services packages for Attica Ventures portfolio companies, and to use the Bank's economic know-how and knowledge of prospects in specific markets.


The New Economy Development Fund S.A. was set up by Article 28 of Greek Law 2843/2000. Its objective is to co-finance venture capital funds investing in innovative business activities in their early stages of development.

TANEO has a capital of €150m available for investment in VC funds, €105mof which comes from 34 institutional investors and €45m from the Greek State/s Public Investment Programme.

TANEO's goal is to support and improve the efficiency of the venture capital market. Consequently, the main criteria for TANEO/s investment in venture capital funds are their reliability and solvency, and the ability of their future investees to help the development of “new economy” sectors. TANEO's consultant for selecting suitable investment schemes is Westport Private Equity Ltd., the largest and most successful fund of funds in Europe with more than €2bn under management.

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Zaitech Fund

Attica Bank

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